Home > About > FAQs Why should I consider having my floors / other slippery surfaces treated? Expand

  • 85% of worker’s compensation claims are attributed to employees slipping on slick floors (Industrial Safety & Occupational Health Markets 5th edition).
  • Slips and falls are the leading cause for visits to the ER (over 8 million), and they cause half of all accidental deaths in homes each year.
  • A New York City doorman received $6 million from the NYC subway system after he slipped and fell on subway steps, resulting in permanent and disabling injuries that prevented him from performing his duties as a doorman.

Does the treatment change the way the floor or bathtub looks or feels? Expand

Some treatments come in various colors so they will change the appearance, while other treatments appear clear. Our etching treatment will bind to the minerals in the natural surface and it will not be visible to the naked eye. Our grit coatings are topical applications and therefore can be seen and felt.

Does this treatment protect me in a lawsuit? Expand

In most cases, awards are based on negligence. Did the business know there was a risk and did not take action. There is case history where hotels have hired a professional to treat their floors and they were not sued when a fall occurred. Our service reduces the likelihood of a negligence claim.

What types of floors can be treated to become slip resistant? Expand

Our process is effective on all types of surfaces; ceramic or porcelain tiles, marble, granite, brick, travertine, concrete, river rock, wood, metal, vinyl, laminate and fiberglass.

Is there a warranty? How long does the treatment last? Expand

Most of our products and services come with a 2 year warranty. The life of the treatment will depend on use and care over the years. Most applications last several years beyond the warranty. Also, the application must remain clean to be effective. We also offer very affordable continued maintenance and a testing plan that can extend the life of the application.

Will having my floors treated affect my insurance rate? Expand

Upon receipt of your 2 year warranty documenting your new slip resistant SCOF numbers we suggest you have your insurance agent fax the document to underwriting for reclassification and adjustment.

Does this treatment guarantee that I won’t have a slip & fall accident? Expand

We can’t guarantee that no one will ever slip or fall on a treated floor. And there are several factors to consider when an accident occurs. We do guarantee, however,  that your floor will meet or exceed government and industry standards for a “safe walking surface”, which is an SCOF of .60 to .84.

Can I buy the product and do it myself? Expand

Yes, the products are available for purchase with application instructions. We recommend that our customers be knowledgeable in slip resistant and surface materials. If you are not, Slip Solutions of Houston is an authorized dealer and installer. We have the tools, training, and certification to apply our products that will meet or exceed your expectations.

How long does it take to treat my floor or bathtub? Expand

Tubs or showers typically take less than 1 hour; floor applications vary with the square footage and ease of application.

How long before I can walk on the floor or use the tub? Expand

Depending on the  product,  the application may require a cure time of up to 24 hours in average conditions. However, some are ready for foot traffic immediately following the application.

I’ve owned business for many years and never had a slip and fall accident. Why should I worry about it? Expand

If you stay in business long enough statistics indicate that it is inevitable that someone will suffer a slip and fall at some point. The problem is universal across all business types.

Does my business qualify for the ADA Tax Credit? Expand

If your business meets the IRS requirements of a “small business” you will qualify for the tax credit. Speak with your accountant or visit the IRS website.

How can I determine if my floor is treatable? Expand

Slip Solutions of Houston will be able to determine how your floor should be treated.

How do I care for my treated surface after treatment? Expand

Many floors do not need any special treatment in order to maintain their slip resistance but certain environments such as kitchens require products which eliminate grease and prevent a buildup which would compromise our treatment. We offer high quality degreasers for these environments along with routine cleaning services.

If I decide to get a quote, what happens next? Expand

If you call Slip Solutions of Houston for a quote, we will set up a convenient time to visit the premises, determine the best solution for you, then we will schedule a time best suited for you and your business. You will rest easy knowing your customers, friends and loved ones are safer.

Slip Solutions of Houston LLC BBB Business Review NSFI WACH Walkway Auditor Certificate Holder Count on Slip Solutions of Houston LLC for all your anti-slip floor safety needs!
If you are in the greater Houston area, Contact us today for consultation and quote.
info@slipsolutionsofhouston.com Slip Solutions reversed