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Non-Slip Solutions for Warehouse Floors

Safety is one of the top concerns of owners and managers of industrial warehouses. Heavy equipment is used daily to transport large, heavy materials so the threat of injury from this equipment to others is a constant in these locations.  Warehouse floors, steps and ramps should be properly maintained to avoid possible violations of applicable safety codes. Pedestrian safety zones are required to be clearly marked.

We have several applications that are effective in this environment. Our Etching treatment, Form-A-Treads, or Tuff Grip Extreme can help reduce injury and liability. Keeping the work area floor clean will add safety in this environment. For pedestrian safe zones, tape or paint will get slippery with rain and condensation. Let us apply one of our non-slip applications that come in many colors, including safety yellow and handicap blue. We can remove the old and even apply an updated design to enhance safety. And putting treads on step edges is proven to be an attention getter, minimizing missed step accidents.

Our exceptional treatments can be applied with minimal interruption to your business operation because we work on your schedule! Let us help you reach zero accidents.

Call us today with your requirements and to learn more about our high quality non-slip products!